Wasp Cocktail
September 2, 2021

Gin, St-Germain, white wine, lime juice
The link I had for this cocktail recipe no longer exists, sorry. 🙁
Today is one of those days when I google a cocktail name to see if it exists. Turns out there are a few cocktails called Wasp, but since I don’t really like banana liqueur, this was the one I chose.
Now, I hope you’re dying to know why I searched for a cocktail named Wasp. It’s because I got stung today! Two wasps got me while I was watering my plants out front. Just like my mom, a retired cop, always says — nobody ever looks up. I didn’t look up. There was a new wasps’ nest in the eaves of the house. I didn’t touch it, but I walked under it. And the wasps were ready for a fight.
I don’t think I’ve ever been stung by a wasp before. It feels like fire! Holy shit, it burns. It is now eight hours later, and it still burns. I got stung once on my arm and once on my back. The one on my back was actually BLEEDING, which only tells me that the little effer was out for blood.
So here is the good news. My neighbor is a firefighter who also does yard work as his side gig. He was here to do my yard when I got stung. He hung out with me to make sure I wasn’t going to have a SITUATION, and he took care of the nest. “Took care of” sounds so nice. He didn’t care for it. He obliterated it. Let’s hear it for cute firefighter neighbors with side gigs!
And the Wasp cocktail might make it all worthwhile! (No, I take that back.) But I’ve made so few cocktails with wine, and this is really nice! The sweetness of the St-G is balanced with the wine and the lime juice. It turned out to be the balance of a standard sour cocktail with the complexity of the wine thrown in. Yes! Maybe I deserve a second today?