Tom Collins
October 29, 2024

Recipe available on
I’ve made it to (almost) 52 years old knowing NOTHING about mixed drinks. When I want a drink, I always just have beer or wine. Quarantine project – learn about drinky drinks. With some research and some help, I stocked a “five bottle” bar – bourbon, gin, sweet vermouth, grand marnier, bitters, and I added a sixth bottle of dry vermouth.
This is my first drink of the project, a Tom Collins. This drink has been around since the late 1800s. It might be an American drink, it might be a British drink – the origins are lost. It is gin, lemon juice, simple syrup and club soda. Pretty much sparkling lemonade and gin.
I started with this drink because even with my limited knowledge about booze, I know I like gin. And this drink – sweet, sour, bubbles with the bite of gin – is light and summery and delicious. Five stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
And before you say anything about day drinking, it is my birthday weekend and I’m taking a nap after this. 😄
(Originally posted April 25, 2020)