Whiskey Cocktail Recipes
Dive into the world of whiskey with The Drinky Drink Project. Here, you’ll find various whiskey cocktail recipes that will blow your mind. Contact me for more information.
October 30, 2024

Cognac, Cointreau, lemon juice, sugared rim, orange twist
This recipe is available on liquor.com.
I’ve added both Cognac and Cointreau to my bar! (💰 It was an expensive curbside pickup at Spec’s.) That gives me about a million options for new drinks to try.
The Sidecar is another one of those old drinks with two guys taking credit for it – in this case, one guy in London and another in Paris. But no one argues with the fact that it is a riff on a Brandy Crusta, a cocktail with its roots in New Orleans, originally mixed in the 1850s.
And no one argues that it is indeed named after a sidecar on a motorcycle. 🏍
This drink has been suggested to me more than any other, and I see why! I’m learning my tastes with this project, and if I’m going to have a sweet/sour drink, I want it like this one. Unlike a Lemon Drop or a Cosmopolitan, you can taste the nice booze. I’m thinking that some drinks are designed for people who don’t like the taste of alcohol, but want a drink…and others are designed for people who DO like the taste of alcohol (and want a drink). I seem to be falling into the second group.