Rum Cocktail Recipes
At Drinky Drink Project, tradition clinks glasses with innovation. Discover all sorts of rum cocktail recipes that will thrill your palate and stir your soul. Get in touch with me for more information.
Perfect Storm
October 29, 2024

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Thunder and lightning! Flash floods! Branches everywhere! We’ve had some pretty intense weather in Austin over the last 24 hours, so I thought I should try a “storm” drink today.
The Perfect Storm is a riff on the Dark & Stormy – a drink I haven’t tried because I don’t have dark rum in my bar yet. (I will try it, it has been recommended many, many times!) I’ll do the full history on the drink when I try the original.
Have you ever eaten something that didn’t taste at all like the ingredients that went into the dish? I can think of two dishes like this. One is Catalan Tomato Bread (Pa Amb Tomàquet), which is bread rubbed with garlic and tomato. You THINK you’d know exactly what that will taste like, but it is surprisingly more delicious than you imagine. The other is when you mix brown sugar with sour cream and eat it with strawberries. It doesn’t taste like brown sugar and sour cream, I can’t describe it.
This drink is the same way! It is rum, Grand Marnier, lime juice, bitters, and ginger beer. I can pick out the ginger beer flavor, but everything else is just a mix of deliciousness. Can’t taste Grand Marnier. Can’t taste lime or bitters. It’s just GOOD.
(Originally posted May 25, 2020)