Vodka Cocktail Recipes
Embark on a journey through the smooth and versatile world of vodka with the Drinky Drink Project. Dive into my treasure trove of vodka cocktail recipes! Reach out to me for more information.
Dirty Vodka Martini
October 29, 2024

Recipe on
I already did a post on the Martini, but it was gin, and I didn’t really like it. It was toomuchtoomuch. But the nice people on the internet told me to try a vodka Martini, better yet, a dirty one.
MUCH better, thank you. This dirty Martini is vodka, dry vermouth, and olive brine. Since my favorite flavor is salt (chalk that one up to a Scandinavian-American upbringing), this is a nice way to scratch that sodium itch. Especially with the blue cheese stuffed olive in there, too.
My main complaint about vodka is that you can’t taste it in a drink. Well, when it’s just about the ONLY ingredient in the drink, you can taste it! And it’s much more mellow and drinkable than straight gin. But gin drinks are still my favorite, so far.
(Originally posted May 21, 2020)